I recently stumbled up a blog called Craftaholic Anonymous. It is a fabulous site of all things crafty. I have found oodles of inspiration. Anyway, a couple of days ago, Craftaholics presented the “Great Pinterest Hunt with several other awesome blogs. Now, anyone who has ever read my blog (all 2 of you) know that I love me some Pinterest. So I have been stalking their blog and Facebook posts, playing along. Today the hunt is sponsored by Kaboo Tech Bag – which are bags & purses with a tech pocket to hold your iPad or Kindle. Coincidently, I just got a Kindle Fire. I think it is fate for me to win one of those beautiful bags.
July 19, 2012
July 16, 2012
When I was a kid, every Saturday was chore day. My sister and I would wake up to find a long list of chores for us to do waiting on the kitchen table. We knew those chores needed to be done by the time mom came home from work, or there would be hell to pay. Sadly, I have not trained my kids to do chores like I had to. I have tried several different techniques to get the kids involved in the housekeeping, with minimal luck.
I don’t want to jinx myself, but I think I might have come up with something ( more accurately, someone on Pinterest came up with something).
Isn’t it fabulous? I started with an old frame without glass. I cut a piece of plywood to fit, then sanded and painted it white. I cut out the stencil of the quote on my Cricut, then painted it on in brown. (Don’t look too closely, the edges of the stencil leaked a bit). I added the kids names in vinyl and screwed in the hooks.
I then thought of every single chore the kids could do around the house, printed and laminated them, and punched holes in each one. Each day, either K or I go through and pick 3 or so chores for each of them to do. The rules are they have to be done by the end of the day, or the next day they lose privileges (usually technology) and have to do those chores plus whatever was assigned to them that day. Once they do their chore, they move the ticket to the bottom hook under their name. The hook labeled “extra” has chores they can choose if they want to earn some extra $$.
The house has never looked better.
July 15, 2012
Father’s Day gift
Sooo, I’m a little late in posting this. That’s what happens when you ignore your blog for months.
K gave me an belated but awesome Mother’s day gift of a Kindle Fire. I received it about a week before Father’s day. I think his timing was planned so he would be sure to get some good loot for dad’s day, instead of the usual ‘here’s a card and oh, yeah, you can choose where we go for lunch after church’ type of gift.
I had seen this idea on Pinterest (of course) and decided it would be a good father’s day gift. The kiddo’s were not too thrilled with the idea of a photo shoot, especially one where they had to actually change their clothes and comb their hair, but they did it after
You can’t tell from this photo, but the pictures are in a clear frame, connected on the back. I think it turned out pretty cute.
July 14, 2012
Laundry Room Re-Do
So I am going to try to get pictures up of some before and after’s going on around here. First will be the laundry room. It is one of the only rooms in the house that I had not yet changed since moving in. The previous owners of this house had a love affair with the color purple. And green. And teal. Often all together. Not my style. So here are a few before pictures:
I got tired of that border several months ago and tried ripping it off. I didn’t get too far as it was attached very firmly with an abundance of glue. So I gave up for the time being.
Recently, I tried again, this time armed with a wall-paper scorer thing (yes, that is the technical term) and some spray. Finally, after two days of a little hard work and a lot of cussing, I finally finished. Here are the results: