I overcame that time warp this weekend and completed my 2nd ever Pinterest inspired craft. It is a growth chart inspired from a Pottery Barn chart. It was relatively simple to make, and my only wish is that I had done it about 13 years ago. The supplies I used were a 6 foot 1x8 board from Home Depot and some interior wood stain.
I stained the board; front, back and sides. I didn’t need to sand, as it was already very smooth. After the stain dried, I made small lines (with pencil) every one inch. I went back over the lines, making them one inch long, the 1/4 foot line 1 1/2 inches long, and every foot mark two inches long. I went back over these marks with a black paint pen. After those marks dried, I stenciled on the numbers. I hung the board six inches from the floor (I started the first foot mark six inches from the bottom of the board.
I transferred some of the measurements from the last couple years that had been written directly onto the wall in the hallway. All three kids were excited to get measured again. Like I stated, I only wish I had this years ago. It is something that could have moved with us from house to house.